Friday 15 September 2017

Friday's Opinions: With Trump, it is never over


Latest Columns

Rick Scuteri / AP
With Trump, it is never over
Trump's overture to Democrats enrages the talk-right. But his base sticks with him.
The biggest thing single-payer has going for it
It's the right thing to do.
Sanderscare is all cheap politics and magic math
Lawmakers are much likelier to make universal health care happen if they base their plans in reality.
Senate Democrats show off their anti-religious bigotry
A judicial nominee shouldn't have been interrogated about her Catholic faith.
My husband shouldn't have had a gun
In the end, what he thought would keep us safe ended up killing him.
Kim Jong Un — smart and strategic?
An imagined interview with the North Korean leader.
The right question to ask about the Iran nuclear deal
Trump says it's "the worst deal ever negotiated." Would the world be safer without it?
Cutting refugee admissions hurts Americans. Here's how.
Our refugee system is key to our national security strategy and our economy.
The spacecraft that found for the first time where life could exist now
Cassini is set to end its 13-year journey orbiting Saturn.
Editorial Cartoons
A certain remorseless force has rendered the landscape badly scrambled Rats, rats and more rats
And worse than ever. The rat population is growing in Washington.
The Post's View
Trump dares to dream of a deal
The president could provide the impetus to resolve a festering impasse.
Kris Kobach is the real fraud
The voter-fraud conspiracy-monger strikes again, this time in New Hampshire.
Israel's strike in Syria should be a wake-up call for Trump
The United States has interests in Syria beyond "killing ISIS."
Latest Blogs
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
Daily Caller reporter renounces racist, misogynistic writings
What qualified Chuck Ross for a job at the Daily Caller?
No U.S. discrimination claims against Facebook for blocking 'Sikhs For Justice' page in India
So the 9th Circuit just held.
Court OKs child porn prosecution of minors who distribute sexual pictures of themselves
So the Washington state Supreme Court held, 6-3, in State v. Gray.
Here's what's going on behind the scenes on DACA
With or without Trump, Congress will need to move ahead.
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