Sunday 17 September 2017

Evening Edition: Trump’s divisive presidency reshapes a key part of his business empire

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
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Trump's divisive presidency reshapes a key part of his business empire
Trump-owned hotels and clubs have long made money by holding special events but now they're attracting new customers who want something from the president or his government. His properties are also losing many longtime clients, for whom deciding to use a Trump-owned facility has become a political question.
McMaster denies that U.S. is reconsidering Paris climate deal
National security adviser H.R. McMaster denied that President Trump is reconsidering his decision to pull out of the accord but said the door remains open to a better agreement down the road. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson criticized the pact as being "out of balance" for the United States and China.
In a tweet, Trump sticks North Korea's Kim Jong Un with a nickname: 'Rocket Man'
The president's Twitter snark came on the day he is scheduled to arrive in New York for the annual U.N. General Assembly meetings.
Online retailers are finally realizing that women aren't one size fits all
After reviewing customer comments, preferences and measurements, more businesses have reached the same conclusion: American women, who on average wear a size 16, need bigger sizes — and waiting lists for those designs are proof that the market exists.
News organizations find discrepancies as they investigate one reporter's stories
Was Kevin Deutsch one of journalism's most prolific frauds? And if he was, why did it take the news organizations he worked for so long to notice?
4 U.S. tourists are attacked with acid in France, officials say
The young women were assaulted in the main train station of Marseille. A 41-year-old female suspect has been arrested, and there were no indications of terrorism as the motive, the prosecutor's office said.
Hurricane Jose gathers strength on path to East Coast as Tropical Storm Maria heads toward Caribbean
There is a 30 percent chance of tropical-storm-force winds along the Delaware-Maryland-Virginia coast as early as Monday afternoon, the National Hurricane Center said.
Trump shares GIF showing him striking Hillary Clinton in the back with a golf ball
The image was part of an unusual retweet spree in which the president shared more than half a dozen posts that show him in a favorable light.
Second man arrested in connection with London subway blast that hurt at least 30
The home secretary told the BBC that the second arrest suggested that the Friday rush-hour attack was not the work of a "lone wolf" terrorist and implied some level of conspiracy.
Redskins take on McVay, Rams
Los Angeles should be very familiar with Washington's offense with former Redskins offensive coordinator Sean McVay at the helm. And it's a potentially critical game for the Redskins' postseason hopes — even in Week 2.
A convicted pedophile's case revealed a seeming cover-up and brought down Iceland's government
In 2004, Hjalti Sigurjon Hauksson was imprisoned for raping his stepdaughter nearly every day for 12 years. Several months ago, the father of the prime minister wrote a letter arguing that Hauksson should have his "honor restored," and he received a full pardon.
Predicting the Emmys: Who will win, who deserves to win and who could surprise us all
This evening, NBC's "This Is Us" could become the first broadcast show in more than a decade to be named best drama.
Obituaries • 1924–2017
Political journalist wrote about how the mothers of U.S. presidents influenced them
Her book "First Mothers: The Women Who Shaped the Presidents" served as a corrective to a widely held notion that first ladies were the dominant female influence on the nation's commanders in chief.

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