Thursday 7 September 2017

Evening Edition: Senate approves $15.25 billion in disaster relief in deal to extend debt limit

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Senate approves $15.25 billion in disaster relief in deal to extend debt limit
The Senate package doubles the total amount of disaster aid approved by the House on Wednesday. It also raises the federal borrowing limit and keeps the government open until Dec. 8. The House is expected to vote on the deal quickly, despite growing opposition from fiscal conservatives who oppose pairing aid with debt and spending elements.
Trump and Schumer agree to pursue plan to repeal the debt ceiling
President Trump and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer agreed to pursue a deal that would permanently remove the requirement that Congress repeatedly raise the debt ceiling. Senate Democrats hope to finalize an arrangement with Trump by December.
Trump Jr. says nothing came of 2016 meeting with Russians
The president's son told the Senate panel that he consulted with a Russian lawyer because she offered information on Hillary Clinton.
Hurricane Irma ravages Caribbean islands as Florida nervously awaits historic storm's wrath
The National Hurricane Center said a hurricane watch will likely be issued for parts of South Florida as Irma's Category 5 force pounded across the Caribbean, leaving at least 10 people dead.
Triple threat: Hurricanes Jose and Katia swirl in to join Irma, striking land this weekend
Jose, which formed as a tropical storm on Wednesday, was intensifying in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. It is following on a similar path as Irma and could hit some of the same small islands.
Capital Weather Gang: Category 5 Irma stays on perilous path toward Florida; hurricane watch issued
The massive, record-setting hurricane continues to track toward South Florida, where it could deliver a devastating blow. But first, it may leave behind catastrophic damage in the Turks and Caicos and parts of the Bahamas. By early next week, South Carolina could be in the storm's crosshairs.
Updated graphic: Where Irma could be headed
Irma continues to churn through the Caribbean as some of the 6 million residents in its likely path in Florida begin to evacuate. Here is a collection of forecasts on the hurricane's path.
PowerPost • Analysis
Why climate change deniers mistrust hurricane forecasts, too
Weather communicators, including celebrity weatherman Al Roker, slammed Rush Limbaugh for saying Hurricane Irma is being over hyped by the media and forecasters.
Steve Bannon: Catholic Church needs 'illegal aliens to fill the churches'
The former presidential adviser, who is Catholic, lashed out at church leaders who condemned President Trump's decision to phase out DACA.
Amazon to open second headquarters with as many as 50,000 jobs
The Seattle-based company says it plans to invest $5 billion in construction and operation of the new location, which it is calling Amazon HQ2.
DeVos decries 'failed system' to deal with campus sexual assault, vows to replace it
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the previous administration had "weaponized" the Office of Civil Rights, and said the department would seek public input in an effort to create a more just system on Title IX enforcement.
Facebook's role in Trump's win is clear — no matter what Mark Zuckerberg says
The revelations about ads sold to Russian "troll farms" targeting voters made that even more obvious.
Wonkblog • Analysis
The stunning prevalence of painkiller use among unemployed men
A new study argues that opioids pose more than just a health threat: They're benching workers across the country.
Millennials are filling their homes — and the void in their hearts — with houseplants
Thanks to Instagram, young people are turning their apartments in drab concrete jungles like Baltimore and New York into "house jungles."

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