Saturday 16 September 2017

Evening Edition: McCain joins effort to challenge Trump’s ban on transgender troops

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
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McCain joins effort to challenge Trump's ban on transgender troops
"We should welcome all those who are willing and able to serve our country," said Sen. John McCain, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee. The addition of his voice is a sign that open resistance to the order is growing.
British police arrest suspect in connection with subway blast
The 18-year-old man was detained in the port area of Dover, where police think he might have been seeking a boat out of England. A raid was underway on a property west of London, which police said was related to the probe of Friday's suspected terrorist attack that hurt at least 29 commuters.
Republicans take aim at state-and-local-tax deductions — and raise ire of GOP legislators in blue states
Republican leaders have made clear the SALT deduction is on the table as they rewrite the tax code — but internal dissent threatens the effort. "I intend to fight it with everything I know how," said Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.), in whose district 43 percent of tax filers claim SALT deductions.
10 new shows worth watching this fall (and 5 you can totally skip)
Instead of writing about the dozens of programs available for preview, our TV critic cuts through the noise to rank only the best of the newcomers. Plus, he waves a red flag over the shows you should avoid at all costs.
'Time to be serious': Trump's U.N. debut will be a test of his agenda in U.S. and abroad
As Trump prepares to speak before the body he once said risked becoming irrelevant, his administration is intent on having a strong presence during deliberations on North Korea's nuclear weapons threat and the future of the 2015 U.N.-backed nuclear deal with Iran.
The Fix • Analysis
This was the week that Trump's 'fake news' attack lost its power
Even right-wing Breitbart is echoing the mainstream media and reporting that the president is, indeed, waffling on the wall.
'I did nothing wrong,' says former St. Louis officer who was acquitted of killing a black man
"I did not murder Anthony Lamar Smith. I did not plant a gun," Jason Stockley said about the 2011 incident, breaking a months-long silence imposed by a gag order.
As usual, he sat during the pledge. Then, he says, a teacher 'violently' snatched him from his chair.
The 11-year-old Michigan boy's father said the educator, who has been placed on administrative leave, violated his son's civil rights.
Fresh controversies further cast questions on Trump's voter fraud commission
The latest issues angered some Democratic commissioners already feeling heat from their party for taking part in the panel, which critics say is really aimed at making it more difficult to vote. Even some Republicans said it may now face an even tougher job in selling any recommendations.
Hurricane Jose lurks off the East Coast
The consensus track from the latest weather model updates now keeps the storm well off the Mid-Atlantic. It is likely to make its closest pass to the D.C. region Tuesday.
U.S.-backed forces in Syria accuse Russia of airstrike
The fighting escalated tensions on one of the country's most contested battlefields. 
New video shows the last-known moments of a woman who was found dead in a freezer
Police in suburban Chicago said they have interviewed more than two dozen people after the body of Kenneka Jenkins, 19, was found.
Bill Maher offers '25 Things You Don't Know About Melania Trump'
HBO's "Real Time" host was playing off the celebrity magazine feature "Things You Don't Know About Me" and the fact that the first lady appears on the cover of next week's Us Weekly.
Why it's a real mistake to count on a cellphone when you go hiking
Navigating is a skill that few hikers, cyclists or walkers employ anymore because of their increased dependence on GPS units, Garmin computers, Google Earth and similar technologies. But knowing how to do it could save your life.

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