Tuesday 12 September 2017

Double the impact of your donation!

Double the impact of your donation!
September 2017 Dear Friend,

How often do you get a chance to double your money?

Thanks to one of our most generous supporters, you now have the opportunity!

Here's how it works: Make a donation of $120 or more to the Forward by December 31, 2017 and it will be matched dollar for dollar! So, your $120 donation becomes $240. Your $500 donation becomes $1,000. The more you give, the greater the match.

Did you know that the Forward is now the fastest-growing American Jewish publication? Or that more than a third of the Forward's readers are now young American Jews, aged 18 – 34? Every time a young Jewish adult clicks on a Forward story, it's a step toward deeper engagement with Jewish ideas, Jewish culture, and Jewish life.

It's your generosity that helps power our important work and allows the Forward to thrive and succeed.

Click here to donate now, or send your check to

The Forward
Development Department
125 Maiden Lane, 8th floor
New York, NY 10038

Many thanks, in advance, for your help in keeping the Forward vital and strong.

L'shana tova and best wishes for a happy and sweet New Year.



Rachel Fishman Feddersen
CEO & Publisher

P.S. Your donation today will go farther. Give $120 or more, and it will be doubled!
P.P.S. Your tickets to the Forward's upcoming 120th Anniversary Gala on November 13, 2017 will also be doubled. Visit forward.com/gala to learn more!

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The Forward Association, Inc., 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038

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