Wednesday 13 September 2017

Clever cost savers, talented babies and happy hippos

Save up to 40% energy costs: VAG EKN® Butterfly Valves H-Series
Maximum energy efficiency – within the VAG EKN® Butterfly Valve platform, the H-Series is number one in terms of technology. It allows you to save as much as 40% of your energy costs, provides maximum reliability of function and can be used in almost any application: in water distribution and water treatment, in the pretreated wastewater area, in dams and in power plants.
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Babies are the true masters of water
In the first moments of our life, our senses are almost perfectly adapted to life in water. Newborn babies can keep their eyes open under water and focus them. Their sense of hearing in water is far superior to that of an adult.

As soon as the baby’s mouth and nose are submerged, their respiratory tracts close. This reflex prevents water from entering the  baby’s lungs.
What a pity that these capabilities are lost after just a few weeks of life …
Unclouded joy at the Prague zoo
The Prague zoo belongs to the world’s most beautiful animal parks. Through a glass wall in the inner basin, visitors can watch hippopotamuses under water there.

An effective water treatment plant ensures unclouded joy and clear water. Eight VAG ZETA® Knife Gate Valves with pneumatic actuators provide help. They were installed in a machine room located below the hippopotamus pavilion.
VAG ZETA® Knife Gate Valves seal on both sides and are equipped with an integrated scraper system to ensure perfect leak tightness and reliable function.
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