Monday, 16 April 2018

Politics A.M.: Trump, a reluctant hawk, has battled his top aides on Russia and lost

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump, a reluctant hawk, has battled his top aides on Russia and lost
The president was furious when he realized that France and Germany weren't expelling Russian diplomats in the same numbers as the United States.
Five things to keep in mind whenever Trump tweets about polling
Beware outliers and remember the trends.
PowerPost • Perspective
New museum chief fiercely promotes African art, but faces a more prosaic problem at home
Augustus (Gus) Casely-Hayford faces challenges because African culture too often has been overlooked or denigrated, if not stolen, in a European-centric environment and his museum's attendance is falling.
Poll: Democrats' advantage in midterm election support is shrinking
The gap among registered voters is tightening as President Trump's low approval rating inches up. Gun policy could be a wild card in House elections, the poll shows.
The Fix • Analysis
James Comey would rather impeach himself than Trump
It's almost as if the guy who arguably took down Hillary Clinton would rather not take down Trump, too.
Monkey Cage • Analysis
Last week the U.S. bombed Syria, but not much changed. Here's what you need to know.
Let's make some sense of last week's fuss over Syria.
Fact Checker • Analysis
John Boehner's claim that 'we have literally filled up our jails' with people for minor marijuana possession
The new spokesman for the marijuana industry says prisons have been filled with people who just possessed marijuana. He's blowing smoke.
Whom is Comey trying to convince? The third of Americans with no opinion of him.
Our latest poll shows that Comey has room to change minds.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar hospitalized for treatment of 'minor infection'
He received intravenous antibiotics, the department said.
Supreme Court considers whether states should have power to tax all online sales
Can states force retailers with a "virtual presence" to collect tax on sales?
Trump's reelection committee has spent more than $1 out of every $5 on legal fees this year
The president's campaign and two joint fundraising committees together raised about $20 million in the first three months of 2018.
Fealty to Trump has become the coin of the realm for GOP Senate candidates
The rapprochements and fawning reflect two elements of Senate midterms: Trump is enormously popular with primary voters, and contested races are in states he won in 2016.
Barbara Bush, former first lady, turns to 'comfort care'
The 92-year-old former first lady will forego further medical treatment.
Pence's tone toward refugees, oppressed contrasts with Trump's harsher rhetoric
Throughout the vice president's whirlwind 26-hour visit to Lima over the weekend, he repeatedly struck a compassionate tone as he described the suffering of people around the world, especially in Venezuela and Syria, and he talked about the United States' moral obligation to help others.
Hundreds of ex-DOJ officials now urging Congress to 'forcefully respond' if Trump fires Mueller
Several dozen former Department of Justice employees signed a statement defending special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein.
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