Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Politics A.M.: Trump puts the brakes on new Russian sanctions, reversing Haley’s announcement

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump puts the brakes on new Russian sanctions, reversing Haley's announcement
After the Kremlin denounced U.S. plans to punish Russia over Syrian attack, the White House announced that a decision about new sanctions had not yet been made.
'This is not some tin-pot dictatorship': Comey pushes back against Trump's suggestion he be jailed
The former FBI director told NPR that the president's tweets should not be considered normal.
The Fix
Post-ABC Poll: Public supports Trump-Kim meeting, but isn't getting its hopes up
Two-thirds doubt a Trump-Kim meeting will lead North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons.
The Fix
Large majority supports tougher Russia sanctions, Post-ABC poll finds
Nearly half say Trump has done "too little" to criticize Russia
Q&A for federal workers: 'Weather and safety leave' policies finalized
New policies set on when agencies may dismiss federal employees from work with pay for reasons ranging from snowstorms to building power outages.
Top GOP super PAC books $48 million in ads for House races
Most of that — $38 million — is reserved for television airtime in 20 battleground House districts.
Fact Checker • Analysis
President Trump's claim that James B. Comey 'lied in Congress to Senator G'
The president claims that Comey lied to Sen. Charles E. Grassley, but the claim is undercut by a new Inspector General report.
Senators release bipartisan proposal to reauthorize use of force against non-state groups
The legislation, which the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will take up later this month, would replace the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs with a new authorization.
John McCain has surgery after intestinal infection; aides say he's in stable condition
Senate colleagues who have spoken to McCain report that his mind is sharp, but his office has given no indication about when he will be able to return to the Senate.
The Fix • Analysis
The gaping hole in Sean Hannity's story about being Michael Cohen's client
As he railed against FBI raids last week, the Fox News host did not disclose that his own communications with Cohen might have been seized.
'Any Hispanics in the room?': In South Florida, Trump reaches out to Hispanic voters who are receptive to his message
The president's popularity remains low among many immigrant communities, but those with Cuban and Venezuelan roots were more supportive during a tax reform event
Democrats pushing for Pelosi's ouster as leader stand down — at least until elections
Incumbents put the challenge on hold, but House candidates are open about seeking new leadership.
The Fix • Analysis
6 big questions in the Michael Cohen case
Attorney or fixer? And what's on the tapes?
The Fix • Analysis
Nikki Haley finds herself under the bus as Trump shifts course on Russia
Shortly after The Post reported Trump "has battled his top aides on Russia and lost," he exerts his authority. Coincidence?
After his new national security adviser gets enthusiastic applause, Trump says he might have to fire him
The president has a reputation for being irked by aides who upstage him.
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