Monday, 13 May 2019

Opinions P.M.: Trump is staking reelection on one of his biggest lies

Opinions P.M.
The Plum Line
Trump is staking reelection on one of his biggest lies
How Trump's favorite falsehood about China supports his reelection narrative.
Putin calls Ukrainians 'fascists.' They're about to swear in a Jewish president.
Most Ukrainians disavow anti-Semitic views and right-wing extremism.
Want to impeach Trump? Go convince the voters.
Right now, the public does not fully appreciate the danger the president poses to our democracy.
My grandparents survived Hiroshima. A white actor was cast to tell that story.
Hiroshima and its tragic history run in my veins, and with that comes a responsibility to safeguard how the story is retold and used.
Trump is looking like a big blockhead
But he's working on a blanket pardon.
The Plum Line
Rashida Tlaib and the anatomy of a smear
Cynical Republicans charge a Muslim Democrat with anti-Semitism. But you know who isn't fooled? Jews.
Abortion extremists make fools of Kavanaugh defenders
Outlawing abortion, pro-lifers promised, wasn't in the cards.
Eurovision is political this year. As it is every year.
It has historically been dominated by the politics of the time.
How much pain is Trump going to inflict on those who elected him?
Trump acts as though permanent tariffs are a good thing.
The problem — and consequence — of Trump's trade war with China
Fasten your seatbelts; Trump's trade wars are not going away.
Let's talk about electability
Electability should not be an excuse.
In Virginia, the GOP stumbles
Heading into the November elections, Republicans need to do two things well: stay on message and put the focus on the Democrats.
What we will learn from the trade wars
China's hand is stronger than Trump seems to realize.
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