Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Opinions P.M.: Stacey Abrams shows why she’s the most popular progressive not in the race

Opinions P.M.
Stacey Abrams shows why she's the most popular progressive not in the race
Her speech Wednesday morning was remarkable on several counts.
Millennials could push American politics to the left — or totally upend them
Millennial voters are different from the generations before them, and so are the circumstances that shaped them.
For impeachment, the Democrats have called in their tactical unit
Expect a low-speed chase.
The Plum Line
Trump is counting on his hacks to keep his tax returns secret
Who cares what the law is when you've got the executive branch and the Supreme Court on your side?
Why are wage gains so weak?
It's perplexing, given the expanding economy.
Can Amash take on Trump in 2020?
How the GOP representative from Michigan can help rid us of Trump.
The Plum Line
Trump's latest broadside at Democrats actually reveals a big weakness
Who's the one with the leverage here, again?
Overwhelming support for Roe matters in two critical ways
Public opinion has ramifications for both parties, and for the Supreme Court.
Trump can't bluff our enemies into surrender
There is a yawning mismatch between his maximalist ends and minimalist means.
Act Four
John Wick is the perfect folk hero for our age — and Keanu Reeves is the perfect person to play him
The simplicity of John Wick's story makes him the ideal character for this moment.
Biden, four contestants — and all the rest
Polls show Warren might move into the No. 2 spot.
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