Monday, 4 February 2019

Politics A.M.: As vacancies pile up in Trump administration, senators grow concerned

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
'It's way too many': As vacancies pile up in Trump administration, senators grow concerned
Agencies have been relying on novel and legally questionable personnel moves that could leave the administration's policies open to court challenges.
Fact Checker · Analysis
President Trump's Texas-size whoppers
Trump portrays the Lone Star State as a crime hub for undocumented immigrants. Yet his tweets are filled with misleading and inaccurate statistics.
Power Up: Trump's State of Disunity
Clean up on Capitol Hill.
Northam meets with senior staff and considers options, including resignation
"He's lost the authority to lead," one congressman from Virginia says.
The Trailer: Why 2020 Democrats rushed to condemn Ralph Northam
In this edition: Polling shows combating racial discrimination is a top issue for Democratic voters, fewer Republicans expect a Trump reelection, and more Democrats inch closer to a run.
Northam controversy threatens to complicate Democrats' bid to draw sharp contrast with Trump, GOP on race
For the moment, Democrats are grappling with a difficult situation involving race, a topic which has often put Republicans on defense.
'A watershed moment': Trump faces crossroads amid mounting threats on all sides
As the president prepares for his State of the Union address, advisers say the West Wing has the feel of Trump Tower, where Trump had absolute control over his family business and was free to follow his impulses.
Today's WorldView · Analysis
Trump embraces a new nuclear arms race
By scrapping a major Cold War treaty, the White House could spark a dangerous escalation.
He helped Trump confront North Korea. Now Ji Seong-ho wonders whether human rights will be left behind.
After Ji's emotional cameo at the State of the Union, the president has shunted human rights issues to the sidelines in his nuclear negotiations with Kim Jong Un.
In N.C., immigrants, not ballot tampering, drew Trump-appointed prosecutor's focus
The decision to prioritize the prosecution of noncitizens comes amid a push by the president and other Republicans to portray illegal voting as a widespread phenomenon.
Trump dismisses prospect of Pompeo leaving for Senate run, even as nation's top diplomat has signaled openness
The president said in a televised interview that he has spoken with his secretary of state.
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