Thursday, 14 February 2019

Health Alert: Death rates for African Americans with cancer fall significantly, study says

The biggest factor in the change has been a more rapid decrease among blacks than whites in smoking and lung cancer over the past four decades, according to a new study by the American Cancer Society. While blacks still have a higher death rate overall, the mortality gap has almost disappeared in some age groups, including men under 50 and women who are 70 or older.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Health Alert Feb 14, 10:01 AM
Death rates for African Americans with cancer fall significantly, study says

The biggest factor in the change has been a more rapid decrease among blacks than whites in smoking and lung cancer over the past four decades, according to a new study by the American Cancer Society. While blacks still have a higher death rate overall, the mortality gap has almost disappeared in some age groups, including men under 50 and women who are 70 or older.

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