Wednesday, 27 February 2019

The self-assembling computer chips of the future

"The dawn of a new era of molecular manufacturing." View e-mail in browser.

Today's TED Talk

The self-assembling computer chips of the future

11:57 minutes · TED@Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

The transistors that power the phone in your pocket are unimaginably small: you can fit more than 3,000 of them across the width of a human hair. But to keep up with innovations in fields like facial recognition and augmented reality, we need to pack even more computing power into our computer chips -- and we're running out of space. In this forward-thinking talk, technology developer Karl Skjonnemand introduces a radically new kind of way to create chips. "This could be the dawn of a new era of molecular manufacturing," Skjonnemand says.

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Playlist of the Day

Talks that prove you already live in the future

Talks that prove you already live in the future

That crazy, sci-fi future we all imagine? It's here. Watch »

10 talks · Total run time 2:06:36

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