Monday, 4 February 2019

Opinions P.M.: How not to win the Democratic Party nomination for president

Opinions P.M.
The Plum Line
How not to win the Democratic Party nomination for president
Joe Biden wants to be president. But he has exactly the wrong idea about how to get there.
As Colombia welcomes fleeing Venezuelans, children bear the heaviest burden
Colombia's commitment to refugees deserves recognition and represents a unique opportunity for the international donor community.
The Plum Line
If Trump declares a national emergency, Pelosi can jam Republicans. Here's how.
The House speaker can initiate a process that forces the GOP-controlled Senate to vote on Trump's emergency declaration.
McClatchy buyouts could claim chain's full-time Guantanamo reporter
But McClatchy says it will continue full-time coverage of the site.
The WorldPost
Trump needs a comprehensive trade deal with China. Luckily, it already exists.
China's already offered concessions. Trump needs to use that.
Americans have wised up when it comes to Trump
The public doesn't buy what he peddles.
Trump pulls out of an even bigger deal he doesn't like
Putin doesn't like this one either.
Sherrod Brown prompts the question: Can a Democrat do nuance?
The Ohio senator might not be easy to pigeonhole.
D.C. Mayor Bowser should put her plans to take Fort Dupont's money on ice
This isn't about choosing between schools and the rink, this is about keeping a promise to the kids to build a new ice rink.
Can we skip to the State of the Union response?
Stacey Abrams might actually have something to say.
A deeper tech concern is at the core of the U.S.-Huawei spat
The rollout of 5G is expected to reshape not only modern economies but modern warfare, too. And so far, China appears to be far ahead.
A deal on the border takes creativity
Ten ways to skin a cat.
The state of the union is executive goof-off time
Some say he is the best goof-off ever.
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