Thursday, 22 March 2018

Energy and Environment: Plastic within the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is ‘increasing exponentially,’ scientists find

Energy and Environment
With Chris Mooney
Plastic within the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is 'increasing exponentially,' scientists find
The stretch of ocean now contains 79,000 tons of plastic debris, in the form of 1.8 trillion pieces, a research survey has found.
Last year dashed hopes for a climate change turnaround
Coal burning, and carbon emissions, are on the rise again.
New documents show nearly $68,000 in recent premium flights, hotel stays for EPA's Pruitt
The Environmental Protection Agency turned over travel vouchers to Congress on Tuesday detailing costly trips by Administrator Scott Pruitt from August through last month.
Travel costs for EPA chief's security detail topped $30,000 on Italy trip
The added costs, new documents show, push the European trip's cost to nearly $120,000.
Tougher climate policies could save a stunning 150 million lives, researchers find
Millions of people who breathe polluted air around the world will die of heart attacks and respiratory illnesses that are preventable.
The Arctic's carbon bomb might be even more potent than we thought
The warming Arctic could unleash larger-than-expected quantities of methane, a study asserts.
Even under pro-coal President Trump, U.S. solar is doing pretty well
The industry added more than 10 billion watts of capacity in 2017 and is expected to hit 15 billion annually by 2023.
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