Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Academic research is publicly funded -- why isn't it publicly available?

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Today's TED Talk

Academic research is publicly funded -- why isn't it publicly available?

09:44 minutes · TEDxMileHighWomen

In the US, your taxes fund academic research at public universities. Why then do you need to pay expensive, for-profit journals for the results of that research? Erica Stone advocates for a new, open-access relationship between the public and scholars, making the case that academics should publish in more accessible media. "A functioning democracy requires that the public be well-educated and well-informed," Stone says. "Instead of research happening behind paywalls and bureaucracy, wouldn't it be better if it was unfolding right in front of us?"

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Playlist of the Day

A playbook to understanding power

A playbook to understanding power

These talks highlight the reasons we as citizens should understand and challenge the powers that be. Watch »

6 talks · Total run time 1:33:55

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