Thursday, 22 February 2018

Today's Opinions: A Supreme Court shaped by Trump could decide gun control

A Supreme Court shaped by Trump could decide gun control
Changing the high court's hands-off approach may require a change in personnel. The current lineup can't last forever.
Why is only one side in the gun culture war required to show respect?
None of us who want stronger firearms laws wants to disrupt anybody else's way of life.
Why won't pro-lifers act against our deadly gun culture?
Let us hear no more lectures from Clarence Thomas on the sanctity of human life.
Today's evangelicals could learn a lot from Billy Graham
His radical inclusiveness earned him scorn from fundamentalists.
Billy Graham was consumed by grace
His global ministry was the triumph of complete sincerity.
What most threatens the economy? You might be surprised.
The annual report of the White House Council of Economic Advisers gives us a warning.
Billy Graham was no prophet
His dealings with presidents mixed vanity and naivete.
How to fix Facebook: Make users pay for it
Moving Facebook to subscriptions would be good for the company — and democracy.
Democrats are crippling America's response to Russian interference
Politicizing the Mueller inquiry hurts efforts to defend against an ongoing threat.
Editorial Cartoons
Republicans' policy thinking is semi-automatic Don Jr. is full of it
They all aim in the same direction. Donald Trump Jr. dismisses criticism about his India trip, where prospective buyers of Trump Tower condos pony up $38,000 for "a conversation and dinner" with the first son.
The Post's View
Are you serious about gun control, Mr. Trump? Prove it.
Pursue a bump-stock ban with legislation, not regulation.
Some Virginia Republicans finally have an epiphany on Medicaid
In the state Senate, the GOP has run out of excuses for refusing to help its neediest constituents.
Billy Graham, an evangelist with an 'invincible innocence'
Through a half-century and more, he maintained his public standing.
Latest Blogs
Why the Parkland kids might be different
Only the online generation could create so perfect a test case for the power of the Internet engine.
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New York Times reporter on Trump's media attacks: 'It's just theater'
Day-to-day considerations don't often overlap with the "fake news" attacks by the president.
Modify my views on guns, or vilify traumatized teens? I have chosen the latter.
Stop shoving this in our faces and making it impossible for us to sleep at night.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: There's no war against the media
Her boss bashes reporters. Her job is to answer their questions.
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