Thursday, 22 February 2018

Energy and Environment: Countries made only modest climate-change promises in Paris. They’re falling short anyway.

Energy and Environment
With Chris Mooney
Volker Hartmann / Getty Images
Countries made only modest climate-change promises in Paris. They're falling short anyway.
Many nations aren't living up to their promises in the 2015 accord, and the consequences could be "catastrophic."
Tennessee Tech withdraws industry-funded study used to back controversial EPA truck rule
"Knowledgeable experts within the University have questioned the methodology and accuracy of the report," the university's president wrote.
Interior Secretary Zinke asked for confidential energy data. So two scientists left.
Zinke had demanded that the researchers provide his office with confidential data on the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, before it was released to the general public.
The next five years will shape sea level rise for the next 300, study says
For every five-year delay in strong action on climate change, the ocean could rise an additional eight inches by the year 2300, researchers concluded.
Under fire for travel expenses, Pruitt cancels trip to Israel
The Environmental Protection Agency chief has faced criticism over the past week for the cost of his domestic and international travel.
Public confrontations prompted Pruitt to switch to first-class travel, EPA says
A particular incident in May involved "threatening" and "vulgar" language, the agency said Thursday in justifying Pruitt's costly travel.
In a surprising study, scientists say everyday chemicals now rival cars as a source of air pollution
Many kinds of consumer and industrial products are increasingly dominant sources of key emissions.
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