Friday, 23 February 2018

Opinions P.M.: CPAC has been hijacked by the gun debate

Opinions P.M.
Post Partisan
CPAC has been hijacked by the gun debate
The Trump administration has taken a small, but meaningful step in the right direction by bringing guns to the forefront of the gun debate. Republican activists, NRA loyalists and conservatives everywhere should follow and take notice.
Obama was weak on Russia. Trump is much weaker.
Trump claims to be tough but has given Putin free rein.
Right Turn
Why it isn't cause for panic if Kelly and McMaster depart
It wouldn't be such a big deal.
No wonder Wayne LaPierre is freaking out
Having a president who rages out of control makes all of us more like that ourselves.
The Plum Line
Why the hard-right activists at CPAC love Trump so much
He proved that they were right all along.
Erik Wemple
'I do not know if the president is having an affair': Michael Wolff squirms on Dutch TV
Compare what he said to Bill Maher with what he said to a Dutch television host.
Trump speaks in tongues at CPAC
Trump wanders down his familiar path of fear, demagoguery, division and self-absorption.
West Virginians should reject a misguided call for less political speech
More speech, not less, is how a democracy survives.
Listen to what the NRA is actually asking
Maybe it's a mental health issue.
The WorldPost
Infopocalypse Now
As governments take on the trolls and bots of fake news, what information can be trusted?
Right Turn
Trump misses the zeitgeist — again
He's out of step with the public on guns, etc.
Erik Wemple
The 'scripted' town-hall question: A CNN non-scandal
A national cable network sought a question from a school-shooting survivor for a high-profile event. And it's getting hammered for it.
Post Partisan
An open letter to Alfonso Calderon and the kids of Parkland, Fla.
All of you are the America I thought was lost on election night 2016.
Right Turn
Democrats discover another institutional check on Trump
A race to state capitols.
The Plum Line
A frighteningly large number of Americans support arming teachers
Suggesting giving teachers guns is an ugly tactic. But it might be working.
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