Thursday 7 December 2017

What makes something go viral?

Watch and share today’s TED Talk. View it in your browser.

Today's TED Talk

What makes something go viral?

10:25 minutes · TEDNYC

What's the secret to making content people love? Join BuzzFeed's Publisher Dao Nguyen for a glimpse at how her team creates their tempting quizzes, lists and videos -- and learn more about how they've developed a system to understand how people use content to connect and create culture.

Watch now »

Playlist of the Day

Why you should take time to play

Why you should take time to play

Play invites creativity and collaboration, and can inspire you to think out of the box! Take a recess and learn about the benefits of connecting with your inner-child. Watch »

9 talks · Total run time 2:03:51

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