Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Politics: Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options
The Russian disinformation threat went uncontested as it metastasized.
Q&A for federal workers: Telework eligibility
Of those who are eligible, not all do it.
Majority of Americans do not view Christmas primarily as a religious holiday
Making America great again means different things for different people when it comes to Christmas.
When Trump forbade a Christmas tree — and other forgotten stories from the 'war on Christmas'
As he says, Trump has been fighting in the holiday conflict for a long time. But on which side?
Jesse Jackson delivers sermon to Chicago inmates
Civil rights leader shows few signs of slowing down as he works to manage Parkinson's disease.
'A gift-wrapped package of poo': Why a man left a box of manure for Steven Mnuchin
"We're returning the 'gift' of the Christmas tax bill," Robby Strong wrote on a box full of horse feces left at the treasury secretary's home.
The many ways Mike Pence looks at Trump
If praising President Trump were a contest, the top contestant would surely be, well, Trump. But the vice president is a worthy opponent.
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