Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Opinions P.M.: ‘Fox & Friends’ congratulates Trump for ‘delivering on his promise to put Christ back in Christmas’

Opinions P.M.
'Fox & Friends' congratulates Trump for 'delivering on his promise to put Christ back in Christmas'
No holiday break from the idiocy.
ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri
The Compost, written by Alexandra Petri, offers a lighter take on the news and political in(s)anity of the day.
Russia is going to attack our next election. The Trump administration may not even try to stop it.
It was even worse in 2016 than we knew. And our government may be paralyzed in the face of the threat.
Deborah Rutter wants you to know that the Kennedy Center is much more than 'the Honors'
"We are ensuring that all are welcome here."
The most interesting part of 'The Post' is its portrait of the Washington swamp
Doing journalism means facing tough choices. But avoiding corruption isn't always as simple as it looks.
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