Friday 1 December 2017

Today's Opinions: This is getting worse

Whitney Curtis / Getty Images
This is getting worse
The president is not being crazy like a fox.
Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face
The tax bill isn't even about helping the rich anymore. It's about hurting the poor.
Trump wants to gut America's progress against AIDS
The United States supports millions of people thanks to a lifesaving program begun by George W. Bush; unraveling the effort would be disastrous.
Ban Russia from the Olympics
If Russians prove to be clean, they should be able to compete neutrally.
Tillerson's fall could turn State into a hawk's nest
Mike Pompeo speaks with the tough, confident voice that Trump wants to project.
Maybe Trump knows his base better than we do
And people are more motivated by cultural, social, tribal issues than their wallets.
Developing Alaska's wildlife refuge is a win-win-win
We can boost our nation's economy while protecting the environment.
President Trump is now a troll
And by retweeting hate, he endangers us all.
No, the FCC is not killing the Internet
The hysterical rhetoric around net neutrality misses the point of the debate.
Elite colleges are making it easy for conservatives to dislike them
And that doesn't help when those institutions want their share of federal dollars.
Editorial Cartoons
Suddenly, things look very different in gender relations The lighting of the National Christmas Tree
The shoe is on the other's foot. President Trump continues to divide and spread fear during the holiday season.
The Post's View
Rename the block in front of the Russian Embassy
Name it after the dissident Boris Nemtsov, as a D.C. Council measure proposes.
A man is dead. But how?
A Park Police shooting killed a motorist, but the public hasn't been given any answers.
Why is Homeland Security so insecure about the travel ban?
The department is slow-walking an inspector general report on the chaotic rollout of Trump's first travel ban.
Latest Blogs
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
White House extends special holiday-party welcome to behind-the-scenes CNN staffers
Email goes out to about a dozen CNN workers whose names and faces don't commonly grace the screen.
More Volokh Conspiracy holiday gifts!
Music to read to.
Geraldo Rivera opens mouth, exposes self
A man with a penchant for the news.
The worst Roy Moore take ever has arrived
The morally bankrupt Federalist piece exposes the problems with the subtler excuses for sending Moore to the Senate.
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