Monday 4 December 2017

Politics: McConnell predicts unpopular tax bill will be a winning issue for GOP

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Timothy D. Easley / AP
McConnell predicts unpopular tax bill will be a winning issue for GOP
The Senate majority leader says voters will be feeling the effects on the economy before next fall's election.
Tech sector needs Uncle Sam's help on diversity
The technology sector is the vanguard of innovation, but it still looks like a good ol' boys network. Not only is it made up overwhelmingly of white men, but the percentage of tech workers who are black decreased in recent years, while the portion of women in the industry was stagnant and the level of […]
Trump: 'We need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama'
It was Trump's most direct show of support for Roy Moore with the Senate race a dead heat.
'This is the moment': Dreamers face make-or-break push on immigration fight with Trump
Young undocumented immigrants hope a decade of political activism can pay off in face of the administration's effort to end Obama-era deferred action program
The GOP's $10,000 cap on property tax deductions and how it affects one congressional district
Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) says he won something for "nearly every taxpayer" in his district. We check the math.
Trump lawyer says president knew Flynn had given FBI the same account he gave to vice president
The president was aware of the issue a couple of weeks before he asked the FBI director to consider letting the issue with Flynn go.
'I don't think it's going to help': In a pro-Trump area, many voters are skeptical of GOP tax plan
The Republican tax cuts are broadly viewed as a giveaway for the rich that will benefit only a small number of people in the long run.
'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn': Trump goes on tweetstorm about the FBI
The president started before dawn with a running Twitter commentary on the special counsel's investigation into Russian interference into the 2016 election.
McMaster: National security team 'not missing a beat' because of Trump controversies
'Focus on what you can control,' the national security adviser said.
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