Friday 8 December 2017

Politics: Franken announces he will resign from the Senate as harassment issue rocks Congress

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Melina Mara / The Washington Post
Franken announces he will resign from the Senate as harassment issue rocks Congress
A once-rising Democratic star takes a fall amid sexual misconduct allegations, while a GOP congressman resigns.
Top federal civil servants honored with presidential awards
The Senior Executives Association (SEA) honored the 2016 and 2017 Presidential Rank Award winners Thursday.
Exactly how male-dominated are central banks? Here are the numbers.
It's bad. But the Fed is less unequal than the ECB.
Black lawmakers are stumping for Doug Jones in Alabama. But is it too late?
The Democratic Party is sending some of its most high-profile black lawmakers to the state, just days before the election. It might not be enough.
Congress just averted a government shutdown — but maybe not for long
Here's what comes next.
Can the president obstruct justice?
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Sari Horwitz guides us through Trump's lawyers' comments on the president's immunity when it comes to obstruction of justice. Plus, legal experts weigh in on differing legal perspectives and how presidential pardoning may play a role in obstruction.
Seven weeks in winter: Flynn, Trump and Comey
President Trump, former FBI director James B. Comey and former national security adviser Michael Flynn's stories are entangled, to say the least.
Russian social media executive sought to help Trump campaign in 2016, emails show
An executive at VK, Russia's equivalent of Facebook, urged Trump to set up a page on the site.
Congress passes short-term deal to stave off shutdown, setting up late-December spending fight
The House and Senate Thursday sent Trump a bill that would fund the government for two more weeks.
Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona, who asked staffers if they would bear his child as a surrogate, says he will resign
Conservative Republican is a member of the hard-right Freedom Caucus.
House Ethics Committee revives investigation into Rep. Farenthold
The House Ethics Committee is resuming its investigation into Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas), in light of new information that surfaced about a 2015 settlement agreement he reached with his former aide.
Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes cleared of wrongdoing in House ethics probe
The Republican would not say whether he would now seek to resume his full responsibilities as chairman over the panel's Russia inquiry.
Jones warns of disaster if Moore wins in Alabama Senate race
The Democrat says that his Republican opponent will cause Alabama to 'lag behind' the rest of the nation.
Paul Manafort says he edited Ukraine op-ed, is silent on colleague's alleged ties to Russian intelligence
Ex-Trump campaign chair says prosecutors seek to unconstitutionally muzzle his self-defense
Al Franken's political career began with an apology to women. It ended without one.
Al Franken's past jokes as a comedian about lusting after and raping women threatened to sink his first Senate campaign. He reluctantly said sorry.
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