Friday 1 December 2017

Opinions P.M.: What was Trump so afraid of? Flynn may finally tell us.

Opinions P.M.
What was Trump so afraid of? Flynn may finally tell us.
It's a truism of Washington scandals that it's not the initial actions that lead to legal disaster, but the attempt to cover them up. That appears to be so in Friday's indictment of former national security adviser Michael Flynn — and in the broader investigation of the Trump team's contacts with Russia. This sweater has been […]
Trump is acting like Pakistan's former dictator
Pakistan's history offers lessons to America on the consequences of the incitement of anti-Muslim hatred.
Flynn's ties that bind
Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI about Russian contacts.
The Senate regrets passing this bill providing for an asteroid to strike the middle class
Seems good.
Republican delusions go far beyond Trump
It's no accident that Trump is so fond of alternative facts. His party has been been making policy this way for years.
Five lessons from the Tillerson train wreck
Let's not repeat this fiasco.
Reports say that Trump isn't worried; he's having a blast
Cue the evil laugh, if he ever laughed, that is.
Michael Flynn may have just flipped on Trump. And evidence that the president may have obstructed justice is mounting.
The Russia scandal just kicked into overdrive.
Time to address your Matt Lauer scandal, NBC News
Time for the network to face some accountability of its own.
Flynn's plea doesn't prove collusion
Sorry, Democrats. The investigations and "collusion" outrage are running out of steam.
What the opioid epidemic looks like on the screen of a brain scan
I interpret electroencephelogram tests. And what I'm seeing is deeply disturbing.
Flynn could deliver a knockout blow to Trump
He takes a plea.
No, the Mueller probe isn't politically motivated
No matter what Alan Dershowitz says.
The end of shame in America began with Bill Clinton
In refusing to step down, Roy Moore and others are following the 42nd president's playbook.
How would you respond to sexual harassment training? Probably not how you think.
Research shows that how we think we will react often doesn't line up with reality.
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