Monday 4 December 2017

Opinions P.M.: Two ugly quotes from Republicans reveal the truth about their tax plan

Opinions P.M.
Two ugly quotes from Republicans reveal the truth about their tax plan
At the core of their plan is a moral judgement about who deserves help and who doesn't.
Trump shows that a scandal doesn't have to be secret to be scandalous
No smoking guns required.
After huge tax breaks for the rich, there's not enough for the sick and poor
Republicans have become the liberal caricature of conservatives.
Yikes: Nearly half of Americans believe news media fabricates stories about Trump
In the eyes of Trump "approvers," there's a lot of fabrication going on out there.
The Trump-Russia plot has new twists and wiggles
An attempt to wiggle out of this one.
Trump can't keep his story straight
If nothing they did was wrong, why all the lying?
'We wanted a democratic internet. Here it is.'
The Internet, like democracy itself, has the vices of its virtues.
Republicans keep misrepresenting what they did on the debt
Why is the GOP not fessing up to the debt it's creating?
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
A draft indictment, a pretrial detainee in solitary and an anonymous blogger unmasked (perhaps).
What's the matter with Alabama?
Will they vote against family values and economic self-interest?
All that's left after the tax-cut vote is for Republicans to clear away the debris
Their work is nearly complete. (BLOG POST)
It's time to ask every Republican this question about Trump and Mueller
New developments heighten the risk that Trump will go full authoritarian.
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