Friday 8 December 2017

Opinions P.M.: Melania Trump would like to spend Christmas on a deserted island (with her family)

Opinions P.M.
Melania Trump would like to spend Christmas on a deserted island (with her family)
There are no ballerinas on the island.
There are dolls for all Barbie's weddings. Here are the ones for her divorces.
Barbie is the plastic Larry King — she's had more weddings than anybody could hope to keep track of. Mattel is exceedingly talented at mashing up the words "bride" and "Barbie." There's Barbie...
Why monopolies are threatening American democracy
Economic concentration isn't only an economic problem.
The mud that could save the world
Scientists have discovered a massive ecosystem that's vital to combatting climate change.
'Religious Holidays Aren't Represented Equally on Campus' — a Catholic campus, that is
A professor says "it's the responsibility of ... the university to publicly celebrate as many religious holidays on campus as possible" -- but should it be?
How Republicans are immunizing their voters against whatever Mueller uncovers
By furiously trying to convince everyone that the investigation is a partisan witch hunt.
The good news on job news is bad news for the tax-cut sales pitch
We don't need the GOP's tax plan to create jobs.
For every action in the US, it seems there will be an equal and opposite reaction
Adding fools to the fire.
Five myths about Alabama
And how to understand the contest between Roy Moore and Doug Jones.
Virginia has changed. Can the Virginia GOP change with it?
It must first admit there's a problem.
This is how nuclear war with North Korea would unfold
In one all-too-plausible worst-case scenario, millions die from mistakes and a tweet.
Opinion | Roy Moore proves we still only believe some women
Republican support for Senate candidate Roy Moore of Alabama shows the #metoo moment isn't yet a national movement, says Post opinion writer Christine Emba.
The world should respond to Trump's Jerusalem declaration with sanctions on Israel
Trump has signaled that the United States accepts illegal Israeli actions. The rest of the world shouldn't.
How low can Trump go?
Trump's blather gets him nowhere with voters.
The GOP tax plan is just a prelude to attacking entitlements
Medicare is in the crosshairs.
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