Saturday, 4 November 2017

Today's Opinions: Our criminal justice system is not a ‘joke.’ Yet.

Our criminal justice system is not a 'joke.' Yet.
There's no indication Justice Department officials have responded to Trump's rage-tweeting, but presidential commands are hard to ignore.
A quarter-century of Clintons
Today's eruptions of sexual harassment claims can be traced to his womanizing.
Queen Ivanka's uncomfortable throne
A mercurial father only adds to the Manhattan monarchy's already exacting demands.
Hysterical mobs are cruedly judging history. One book offers a better way.
Ron Chernow's "Grant" is a gift to a nation much in need of measured judgments about its past.
What's in it for Johnny Lunchbucket?
Trump and Republican lawmakers have proposed a tax cut that makes the rich richer and shifts the burden onto the working class.
Editorial Cartoons
Trump's use of English is regressing, just like his tax policy What a tangled web Trump weaves
But he still head of his class warfare. New reports show Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in a meeting where President Trump was offered a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin by George Papadopoulos.
The Post's View
If Republicans believe their tax cut will pay for itself, here's how they can prove it
The simple addition of automatic triggers would safeguard against busting the budget.
Congress shouldn't just let Trump wage war
Legislators have a duty to authorize military action.
Is it legal to curse at police? Hell yeah.
Memo to Fairfax County.
"Free for All" Letters
English, the way it's meant to sound
I am amazed that The Post so frequently in its coverage refers to Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Ralph Northam's "Eastern Shore drawl," as it was described in the Oct. 20 Metro article "Ob...
Latest Blogs
New Republic executive Hamilton Fish resigns while under investigation
The common denominator of sexual harassment in conservative and liberal media: Men.
Happy Hour Roundup
Our nightly wrap-up of news and opinion.
ESPN wants to help Jemele Hill avoid 'unwanted controversy'
'Unwanted' is in the eye of the social-media user.
Trump's temporary disappearance from Twitter was very scary. Here's why.
A single employee was able to click the leader of the free world's unfiltered channel to its inhabitants into nonexistence.
Trump says he's going to start sampling D.C. restaurants. Here are five he should try.
From Jaleo to Mirabelle, here are five places where Donald Trump could expand his palate.
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