Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Opinions P.M.: Really, the GOP has no clue what to do about women?

Opinions P.M.
Really, the GOP has no clue what to do about women?
Women have had it with Trump's apologists.
The Republican tax plan has become the Ship of Fooling Themselves
And everyone else.
The latest conservative scam got exposed. But it's just one piece of a much bigger fraud.
They think their voters are idiots -- because they made them that way.
What will be left of the State Department after Tillerson?
Why are Republicans cheering the destruction of our diplomatic capacity?
Eugene Robinson Live (Nov. 28)
Eugene Robinson discussed his latest columns and political news.
Ohio appellate court: Ban on firearms in restraining order may violate Second Amendment
"Without a nexus between the offending conduct and the restriction, Stone's constitutional right to bear arms may not be restricted."
If Zimbabweans want democracy, these are the 5 steps we must take
A road map for elections.
One law professor's overview of the confusing net neutrality debate
I asked around for good explainers about the debate over net neutrality. Here's one view from Professor Gus Hurwitz.
Supply-side dogma is about to meet reality
We'd be better off with no bill.
ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri
The Compost, written by Alexandra Petri, offers a lighter take on the news and political in(s)anity of the day.
Volokh Conspiracy holiday gifts – 2017
Books by VC bloggers that might make great holiday gifts.
Trump shames the Oval Office and the presidency again, this time with Navajos
Each day, he finds a way to strip the presidency and the American people of their dignity.
Schumer is right: The tax bill violates everything John McCain stands for
McCain can stand up for the best traditions of the Senate.
Are we in the final days of real news?
Do pay attention to what's behind the curtain.
GOP's new scheme to save Trump's tax plan reveals the scam at its core
It could still pass, but here's what has to happen.
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