Monday, 27 November 2017

Opinions P.M.: Republicans are somehow making their tax bill even worse

Opinions P.M.
Republicans are somehow making their tax bill even worse
The closer we look, the more horrifying it becomes.
Nazis: They're just like us!
Nazis! They're just like us! For a certain value of us that will go unremarked-upon.
Enjoying Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's romance doesn't make you a bad American
It's a sign of our independence that we can enjoy a royal wedding without getting worried about what it all means.
Without a Syria policy, Trump has no Iran policy
We may win the war against the Islamic State and lose it to Iran.
Republicans unveil their tax bill sales pitch, with some real urgency
It's how the cookie crumbles.
New York Times expresses 'regret' over white nationalist profile
Though the national editor says the reporter and editors "agonized" over the much-criticized story.
Germany is no poster child for economic growth
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Germany is still sick.
Flynn could implicate any number of Trump officials — and Trump himself
Will Flynn be Trump's John Dean?
'Pass and pray' is the GOP tax-reform strategy
Republicans appear ready to pass a bill and are hopeful they will reap the economic and political benefits before next year's election.
Congress must investigate pandemic sexual harassment — including claims against Trump
Do we want to stop the sexual predators or not?
They can kill a rotten tax bill to get a good, bipartisan bill
Can three responsible Senate Republicans block a disastrous bill?
The case against court-packing
Prominent legal scholars on both right and left have recently advocated court-packing. We should avoid going down this dangerous road.
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