Monday, 13 August 2018

Politics A.M.: Ex-Trump aide releases recording made in White House Situation Room

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Omarosa Manigault Newman releases recording made in White House Situation Room
Such a recording would constitute a serious breach of security protocol.
Fact Checker • Analysis
Both sides of the aisle stretch the truth in the soybean debate
The agricultural commodities market is a complicated balance of supply and demand that politicians seem intent on glossing over.
'A natural': Donald Trump Jr. emerges as a campaign star, despite Russia baggage
Even though he is under scrutiny by Mueller's probe, President Trump's namesake son is an in-demand surrogate ahead of the midterms.
Kavanaugh documents offer minor clues into his Bush White House years
With Kavanaugh's Supreme Court hearing set for the first week in September, a new trove of vetted documents includes no obvious bombshells.
White House counts on Kavanaugh in battle against 'administrative state'
There's no more important issue to the White House than curbing regulatory entities, which the judge has called "a headless fourth branch of the U.S. government."
White-supremacist rally near White House dwarfed by thousands of anti-hate protesters
The group was met by thousands of protesters chanting "Go home, Nazis!" "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!"
How to understand Trump's condemnation of 'all types of racism'
The president seemingly can't help but "both sides" racial issues.
Rep. Keith Ellison denies abuse allegations
Ellison (D-Minn.) denied allegations that he abused a woman with whom he had a romantic relationship.
Hawaii's Democratic governor survives high-profile primary challenge
Voters favored incumbents in one of the country's bluest states, delivering a fresh blow to the Democratic Party's liberal insurgency.
Once a rising star, Scott Walker is still looking for his path in Trump's Republican Party
The Republican governor of Wisconsin won praise for taking on labor unions, but now he is emphasizing different issues.
Florida candidate tried to prove she's a college graduate. The school says her diploma is fake.
Melissa Howard claimed she graduated with a bachelor's degree in marketing from Miami University, which said it offers no such degree and Howard did not graduate.
Trump's 'dismantlers' losing ground; stage set for 'bitter face-off' with government 'rebuilders'
A new study indicates Trump's base has shrunk.
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