Thursday, 30 August 2018

Energy and Environment: Florida’s unusually long red tide is killing wildlife, tourism and businesses

Energy and Environment
With Chris Mooney
Florida's unusually long red tide is killing wildlife, tourism and businesses
Gulf tourists are wondering why they came, and businesses say they've lost nearly $90 million.
Climate change could render many of Earth's ecosystems unrecognizable
"What we're talking about here are the kinds of changes that disrupt everybody's lives," paleoecologist Scott Wing said.
Trump set to tap centrist to head EPA's chemical safety office
The move came eight months after President Trump's first nominee to head the division was forced to withdraw.
As temperatures keep trending up, 'heat belt' cities maneuver to stay livable
Cool roofs, pavement treatments and misting spray at bus stops are among the strategies. 'We need to move on this,' one official says.
Top interior staffer who backed shrinking national monuments to join BP
Former deputy chief of staff Downey Magallanes's portfolio included a push to expand oil, gas and mining production on public lands.
Sea level rise is eroding home value, and owners might not even know it
Several studies have found evidence that rising seas are undermining coastal property value.
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