Friday, 3 August 2018

Opinions P.M.: Journalists are playing into Trump’s hand

Opinions P.M.
Journalists are playing into Trump's hand
Let's not make ourselves into targets.
Manafort's latest brazen defense
"None of my allegedly fake tax returns ever got audited by the IRS" is a peculiar defense.
Trump's grand plan for health care: Don't get sick. Ever.
Columnist Catherine Rampell analyzes the Trump administration's plan to reduce health care costs. She's not impressed.
Unease rattles China's invincible facade
China is entering what Chinese officials like to call "a sensitive time."
Five myths about Trump's income tax returns
No, they wouldn't necessarily reveal extant links between the president and Russia.
Right Turn
Here's why we need to know how Kavanaugh got on Trump's Supreme Court list
No outside group should pick our Supreme Court.
The Plum Line
Trump says you've never had it so good. Do you believe him?
Job creation is good, but the economy is more than that.
The start of ending violence
See every child as your son or daughter and every adult as your mother or father.
The WorldPost
Only narrative, not facts, matters now
The culture wars are over who is the custodian of the looking glass.
Republicans used to celebrate voluntarism and service. What happened?
Those values have vanished from Trump's GOP.
Right Turn
Why no competent lawyer would've allowed the Trump Tower meeting
When Trump knew about a legally suspect meeting is all that's left to find out.
The Plum Line
Will the 'Trump economy' save the GOP? Here's the Democratic strategy to prevent that.
A new memo from a Democratic super PAC lays out a game plan.
Right Turn
Trump's anti-Putin advisers are hung out to dry, again
Trump lets the cat out of bag.
Vacation seems like it frees us from work. That's what work wants us to think.
Perhaps it's time we started thinking of work as an intrusion on the time we call our own.
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