Monday, 14 May 2018

Politics A.M.: ‘Buckle up’: As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
'Buckle up': As Mueller probe enters second year, Trump and allies go on war footing
The Russia controversy forms the cloudy backdrop of Trump's presidency, enraging the commander in chief.
Monkey Cage • Analysis
Whites oppose — and blacks support — paying NCAA athletes, especially when they're thinking about race
Debates over paying college athletes are implicitly debates about race.
Monkey Cage • Analysis
White people get more conservative when they move up — not down — economically. Here's the evidence.
Political scientists tracked people's economic fortunes and political attitudes over more than three decades. The economic winners, not the losers, became more conservative.
Trump's improved standing, energized GOP voters worry Democrats
Democrats were confident anti-Trump fervor would help deliver a House majority and possibly the Senate. Now they're openly fretting about Florida and other contested states.
Fact Checker • Analysis
Jeff Sessions's claim that an ACLU settlement with Chicago caused murders to spike
The attorney general cites an unpublished study to support his claim. But the facts don't support his attack on the ACLU.
No apology forthcoming for 'he's dying anyway' quip about McCain
John Bolton cites McCain's support during a 2005 confirmation fight but declines to apologize for remarks of another Trump aide.
Pompeo says U.S. assuring Kim that it does not seek his overthrow
A guarantee against regime change would be the 'trade-off' for North Korea giving up nuclear weapons, the secretary of state said.
Bolton praises McCain but offers no apology over White House aide's remark
Communications aide Kelly Sadler had said at a closed-door staff meeting that McCain's opposition to Gina Haspel as CIA director did not matter because "he's dying anyway."
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