Monday, 22 January 2018

Opinions P.M.: We’re trying to build democracy in Syria. So why is Turkey attacking us?

Opinions P.M.
We're trying to build democracy in Syria. So why is Turkey attacking us?
The United States needs to step up and defend its allies in Syria.
Trump's 'great power' doctrine could lead to cyber-nuclear talks
Trump is focused on Russia and China as "great power" rivals. That could push us into arms negotiations.
Ten things that just happened (aside from the government reopening)
The government will be up and running
Booker's rant reveals Democrats' Trump obsession
The fact that Democrats are abandoning any notion of compromise and refusing to appeal to independent and moderate voters should come as no surprise. The party has been hijacked by radical voices from within, and what we are seeing now is only the beginning of what is to come.
Republicans are clueless: The pink wave is cresting
It may prove disastrous for the GOP in November's midterms.
American women will determine the fate of the Trump presidency
But if they're going to do it, they have to turn out to vote.
NBC's Megyn Kelly channels Fox News's Megyn Kelly in blasting Jane Fonda
Rips into "Hanoi Jane" after a spat over a September interview question about plastic surgery.
Trump is working on an open and shut case
Back to open season.
Act Four Live: Pop culture with Alyssa Rosenberg (Jan. 22)
A chat about the best and worst in pop culture and why the stories we love mean so much to us.
Trump can boast all he wants. Voters still don't like him.
Trump's unfavorability rating is well-established and well-earned.
'Collusion' can be mere cooperation — and there was lots of that
There's more than meets the eye.
The shutdown highlights two of the biggest threats to democracy
Trump abuses the public's trust daily.
Trump is facing a big moment of truth. And no amount of spin and lies can change it.
In the end, Trump and Republicans will have to make a big and consequential decision about the fate of the dreamers, no matter what happens.
The ugly face of ethno-nationalists
Xenophobia is now a defining feature of the GOP.
President Trump is a trust buster. The other kind.
We are shaken, not stirred.
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