Wednesday, 30 August 2017

The Post Most: Here’s why people hate Joel Osteen

Democracy Dies in Darkness
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Acts of Faith • Perspective
Here's why people hate Joel Osteen
It has to do with Christianity.
PowerPost • Analysis
The Energy 202: We asked Texas Republicans about Harvey and climate change. Only one answered.
It was House Science Chair Lamar Smith.
Right Turn • Opinion
Legal challenge to Arpaio pardon begins
Trump's pardon power may not be so absolute after all.
Harvey crashes into Texas and Louisiana, bringing new waves of punishing rain
The storm has been blamed for at least 22 deaths, a toll expected to rise.
Arts and Entertainment • Perspective
There was no pretense about Melania Trump's heels. But sometimes, a little pretense helps.
Comfort wasn't the point — not hers or yours. She later changed into sneakers. It didn't matter.
Evangelicals' 'Nashville Statement' denouncing same-sex marriage is rebuked by city's mayor
Nashville Mayor Megan Barry condemned the statement, saying it "does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville."
Even in visiting hurricane-ravaged Texas, Trump keeps the focus on himself
He hasn't displayed a lot of skill at displaying empathy," said a former Bush speechwriter. "And that's a problem."
This miracle weed killer was supposed to save farms. Instead, it's devastating them.
The man-made disaster raises serious questions about the state of U.S. agriculture.
PowerPost • Analysis
The Finance 202: Trump speech will bash rigged system. But tax outline would benefit 1 percent.
The president will be in Missouri today.
Kremlin says it got the Trump Tower email but didn't respond
"We don't respond to business topics, that is not our job," said a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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Even Republicans are upset at Ted Cruz for doing a 180 on hurricane relief
""Dead wrong," said New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) of Cruz.
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Houston is paying the price for public officials' ignorance
Scientists' warnings were discounted as "anti-development."
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Joel Osteen calls claim he shut church doors on Harvey victims 'a false narrative'
Lakewood Church spokesman says the church was flooded over the weekend and taking in evacuees would not have been safe.
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In crises such as Harvey, you want outdoorsmen on your side
The 'Cajun Navy' are rescuing residents of Houston the way they've done in other catastrophes.
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Harvey makes landfall again in western Louisiana as rain pummels the Gulf Coast
The storm has been blamed for at least 22 deaths, a toll expected to rise.
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