Thursday, 31 August 2017

How the US government spies on people who protest -- including you

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Today's TED Talk

How the US government spies on people who protest -- including you

14:25 minutes · TEDxStanford

What's stopping the American government from recording your phone calls, reading your emails and monitoring your location? Very little, says surveillance and cybersecurity counsel Jennifer Granick. The government collects all kinds of information about you easily, cheaply and without a warrant -- and if you've ever participated in a protest or attended a gun show, you're likely a person of interest. Learn more about your rights, your risks and how to protect yourself in the golden age of surveillance.

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Playlist of the Day

The road to peace

The road to peace

Peace. It's humanity's eternal, elusive dream. These speakers offer inspired ideas, practical advice and real-world examples from around the globe of how it just might be attainable. Watch »

10 talks · Total run time 2:24:03

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