Thursday, 29 June 2017

Politics: McConnell is trying to revise the Senate health-care bill by Friday

Senators used to excel at lawmaking. Now, not so much. Here’s what needs to change.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post
McConnell is trying to revise the Senate health-care bill by Friday
The majority leader is trying to send revisions to the Congressional Budget Office by Friday. The hope is for a new score by the time lawmakers return to Washington in mid-July — and to pass a bill before the August recess.
Senators used to excel at lawmaking. Now, not so much. Here’s what needs to change.
First up: Elect more women.
Stewart to Gillespie: 'Nobody cares that your dad owned a grocery store.'
Some unsolicited advice for the GOP candidate for Virginia governor from the guy who almost beat him.
Perriello, wealthy donors team up to help Democrats chase seats in Va. House
Party insiders think voters' disapproval of Trump can help them beat the odds this fall
Democrats want House guarantee on Russia sanctions; top Republican accuses them of being 'Russia's best friend'
Lawmakers have worked out the technical issues, but political mistrust is holding up a resolution.
Republicans running for governor put in a tough position by Trump health cuts
Democrats are pouncing on the health-care debate to attack GOP incumbents and challengers.
How the push for a Senate health-care vote fell apart amid GOP tensions
As President Trump courted Republicans, they remained wary and unable to reconcile core policy differences.
House Republicans pass tort bill by slim margin
Limits on the amounts juries can award medical-malpractice victims may harm its chances in the Senate.
Senate Intelligence committee will see the Comey memos
Committee leaders receive assurances as panel chairman Richard Burr suggests the probe could wrap up by the end of the year.
Tougher immigration policies face first major legislative test of Trump era
The House is set to vote on bills Thursday dealing with "sanctuary cities" and illegal immigrants who commit crimes.
What you need to know about preexisting conditions in the Senate GOP health plan
Another debate about preexisting conditions is brewing over the Senate bill to overhaul the health-care system. We dig into what the bill says about preexisting conditions.
As GOP buckles down on health care, conservative media loses interest
The White House and a symbiotic conservative media have largely moved on to other topics of media bias and cultural warfare.
The director of ICE just declined to support a central argument of Trump’s candidacy
Trump's ICE director won't say that undocumented immigrants commit more crime.
McConnell is known as a deal-closer, but he's never done policy this big
Splitting the difference with Democrats on tax rates is one thing. Closing a vast ideological divide on an issue that affects most Americans is something else.
Trump promises ‘big surprise’ on stalled health-care bill
It is not clear what the president was referring to.
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