Monday 13 March 2017

Opinions P.M.: A president without an administration

Sponsored by SEIU | The Wisconsin lesson: Voters will reward Republicans if they do what they promised; Trump and Ryan fear the GOP faces a ‘bloodbath’ in 2018. They may be right.; How Europe can stop Turkey’s political neurosis from spreading; Senate Republicans don’t like the House tax plan. Here are some better ideas.; ‘Girls’ found a surprisingly perfect way to force Hannah to grow up; John McCain tangles with Trump in a morass of wires, ropes and plot threads; On the GOP health plan, it’s Ryan vs. Cotton; Report: Probe of Fox News extends to snooping; Trump Watch: More troubling deportations, tourism industry hurting, federal prosecutors instructed to be more aggressive; Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions; Many states that voted for Trump would suffer under Trumpcare; Republicans’ ‘You can keep your doctor’ moment; Donald Trump’s deliberate corruption of reality-based governing; Trump's attack on the ‘deep state’ turns out to be pretty shallow;
Opinions P.M.
A president without an administration
Trump isn't actually running anything.
The Wisconsin lesson: Voters will reward Republicans if they do what they promised
With majorities in both houses of Congress, the GOP should be pushing through its reform agenda, not engaging in internecine struggles.
Trump and Ryan fear the GOP faces a ‘bloodbath’ in 2018. They may be right.
If they fail to repeal Obamacare, it'll be bad. If they succeed, it'll be worse.
How Europe can stop Turkey’s political neurosis from spreading
Europe played nice with President Erdogan for too long. Now his polarizing politics have infected Europe.
Senate Republicans don’t like the House tax plan. Here are some better ideas.
Better ideas for the Senate.
‘Girls’ found a surprisingly perfect way to force Hannah to grow up
If an unexpected pregnancy can force a feckless young dude to man up, why not an aimless young woman?
John McCain tangles with Trump in a morass of wires, ropes and plot threads
To be continued.
On the GOP health plan, it’s Ryan vs. Cotton
Ryan is spinning his wheels -- and his plan.
Report: Probe of Fox News extends to snooping
What will happen to the investigation now that U.S. attorney Preet Bharara has been fired?
Trump Watch: More troubling deportations, tourism industry hurting, federal prosecutors instructed to be more aggressive
An ongoing roundup of President Trump's record on civil liberties
Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Underwear and prison tattoos; eye drops and pedigreed cats; and a case about the dock of the bay.
Many states that voted for Trump would suffer under Trumpcare
Trump states get slammed.
Republicans’ ‘You can keep your doctor’ moment
The House and Trump seem not to care what's in the bill
Donald Trump’s deliberate corruption of reality-based governing
The attacks on the Congressional Budget Office need to be seen as only a part of a much bigger story.
Trump's attack on the ‘deep state’ turns out to be pretty shallow
More up is down.
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