Monday 13 March 2017

A burial practice that nourishes the planet

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Today's TED Talk

A burial practice that nourishes the planet

11:54 minutes · TEDMED 2016

Here's a question we all have to answer sooner or later: What do you want to happen to your body when you die? Funeral director Caitlin Doughty explores new ways to prepare us for inevitable mortality. In this thoughtful talk, learn more about ideas for burial (like "recomposting" and "conservation burial") that return our bodies back to the earth in an eco-friendly, humble and self-aware way.

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Playlist of the Day

New ways to think about death

New ways to think about death

Death is a topic that is relevant to us all, and yet it simply isn't pleasant to talk about. These speakers offer subtle reframes to help us face this fact of life more thoughtfully and with greater compassion. Watch »

10 talks · Total run time 1:47:22

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