Monday, 25 July 2016

Opinions P.M.: Nefarious political allies play by play

Don’t blame Wasserman Schultz for Sanders’s political failures; Mr. Trump, NATO is an alliance, not a protection racket; Why the Democratic Party cyberhack matters; Afternoon links: Truth-testing Trump; Despite what you’ve heard, Democrats aren’t in disarray. Their party is under attack from the outside.; Can Clinton do in 2016 what Reagan did in 1980?; Do we need to remodel our university system?; Protectionism will backfire; Sketchpad: Tale of Two Coventions; 10 silver linings for Republicans; It’s time to call out the immigration hooey; In a change election, Hillary Clinton is the incumbent; Sanders 1, Wasserman Schultz 0; This is the single most depressing finding in today’s polls showing Trump ahead;
Opinions P.M.
Don’t blame Wasserman Schultz for Sanders’s political failures
Talk about a happy warrior in a thankless job.
Mr. Trump, NATO is an alliance, not a protection racket
Viewing international relations transactionally, rather than strategically, threatens our long-term objectives.
Why the Democratic Party cyberhack matters
Of course Putin would prefer Trump as president.
Afternoon links: Truth-testing Trump
Plus: Dallas PD applications soar, Memphis' bleak juvenile-justice system, Houston DA jails rape victim
Despite what you’ve heard, Democrats aren’t in disarray. Their party is under attack from the outside.
Not even Bernie Sanders can dissuade the dead-enders from trying to destroy the party.
Can Clinton do in 2016 what Reagan did in 1980?
Her selection of Tim Kaine is a good start.
Do we need to remodel our university system?
Higher education: A primer.
Nefarious political allies play by play
People who live in glass towers...
Protectionism will backfire
Trump's trade policies will make things worse.
Sketchpad: Tale of Two Coventions
10 silver linings for Republicans
Out of their 2016 misery can come renewal.
It’s time to call out the immigration hooey
Will GOP let the anti-immigration cranks take over?
In a change election, Hillary Clinton is the incumbent
She faces three challenges that are unique to her and to this era in modern politics.
Sanders 1, Wasserman Schultz 0
Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as Democratic National Committee chair following a leak of damaging emails.
This is the single most depressing finding in today’s polls showing Trump ahead
Large majorities of blue collar whites agree with Trump's depiction of the country as an apocalyptic hellscape.
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