Sunday, 17 June 2018

What we'll learn about the brain in the next century

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What we'll learn about the brain in the next century

13:31 minutes · TEDxBeaconStreet

In this imaginative talk, neuroengineer Sam Rodriques takes us on a thrilling tour of the next 100 years in brain science. He envisions strange (and sometimes frightening) innovations that may be the key to understanding and treating brain disease -- like lasers that drill tiny holes in our skulls and allow probes to study the electrical activity of our neurons.

Watch now »

Playlist of the Day

How does my brain work?

How does my brain work?

How exactly does the brain -- a three-pound snarl of nervous tissue -- create inspired inventions, the feeling of hunger, the experience of beauty, the sense of self? Researchers at the edge of science explain. Watch »

15 talks · Total run time 3:28:33

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