Wednesday 15 March 2017

Wednesday's Headlines: Trump allies call GOP health-care plan ‘a trap’

Trump paid a 25 percent tax rate in 2005, reported $105 million write-down, return shows; Former aides to longtime EPA critic Inhofe are now reshaping the agency ; Washington region braces for budget that could shake up the historically stable local economy;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
Trump allies call GOP health-care plan 'a trap'
A simmering rebellion of conservative populists believes the plan being advanced by Republican congressional leaders to replace the Affordable Care Act is deeply flawed, and are warning the president to abandon the proposal. They worry Trump is jeopardizing his presidency by promoting the bill spearheaded by House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Trump paid a 25 percent tax rate in 2005, reported $105 million write-down, return shows
The White House said the future president paid $38 million in income taxes that year, "no more tax than legally required." Trump has repeatedly refused to release his tax returns, and the administration's disclosure came ahead of an MSNBC report publishing part of the 2005 returns.
Former aides to longtime EPA critic Inhofe are now reshaping the agency
Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) has called climate change the "greatest hoax" ever perpetrated on Americans, once bringing a snowball to the Senate floor to suggest that Earth could not be warming in any dangerous way. Now, with some of his closest allies in the upper ranks of the EPA, he is upending the nation's energy and environmental policies.
Washington region braces for budget that could shake up the historically stable local economy
President Trump's budget, which is set to call for cuts of 10 to 20 percent to federal agencies headquartered in and around the nation's capital, could threaten the prosperity that the D.C. region has built.
The trouble with shouting 'racist' in a crowded nation
The real shocker in the WikiLeaks scoop
The Epic of Donald Trump
The GOP masterminds behind Obamacare's 'death spiral'
Is Fox News part of the mainstream media? It depends.
Republicans should really read the CBO report
More News
Eight current and ex-Navy officials, including admiral, charged in escalating 'Fat Leonard' bribery scandal
The defendants are accused of taking bribes in the form of lavish gifts, prostitutes and luxury hotel stays courtesy of Leonard Glenn Francis, a Singapore-based defense contractor who has already pleaded guilty to defrauding the Navy of tens of millions of dollars.
How one man’s pause became a haunting symbol of Aleppo’s destruction
The man on the bed once made a fine life for himself in Aleppo before a photographer — who found him living in destitution — captured a striking image.
China to Trump: We don't want a trade war — but if there is one, your companies would lose
Despite tensions over jobs, currency rates and "security matters," Premier Li Keqiang said he is optimistic about the future of China's relationship with the U.S.
Trump's new entry ban faces court challenges hours before it takes effect
The revised executive order will kick in at 12:01 a.m. Thursday unless federal judges in Washington state, Maryland or Hawaii act to block it.
Tillerson shuns all but conservative website on Asia tour
The Independent Journal Review is the only media representative accompanying Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on his flight during his Asia trip this week. For decades, multiple reporters from numerous news organizations have traveled with the secretary of state.
Lawmakers skewer top Marine officer over nude-photo scandal
"I'm not going to sit here and duck around this thing," Gen. Robert B. Neller told senators of the scandal that has roiled the military. "I'm not. I'm responsible. I'm the commandant. I own this."
Ranking the entire 68-team March Madness bracket: Villanova and Gonzaga are tops
Wavering on which underdogs to back? Here's our team-by-team breakdown to help you make informed upset picks.
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