Tuesday 14 March 2017

Tuesday's Headlines: 24 million more uninsured by 2026 under GOP plan, CBO says

White House attacks on budget office could set up future battles on agenda; Defunding Planned Parenthood could lead to thousands more births, CBO projects;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Top Stories
24 million more uninsured by 2026 under GOP plan, CBO says
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted the share of uninsured Americans would nearly double a decade from now, including 14 million more people without coverage next year. It also predicts a $337 billion in deficit reduction by 2026. The report undermines President Trump's pledge that no Americans would lose coverage under a Republican health-care plan and threatens support from moderate GOP lawmakers. But Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney called the CBO analysis "just absurd."
White House attacks on budget office could set up future battles on agenda
The CBO has often been a punching bag for both political parties. But recent vitriolic attacks from top Trump officials could erode the agency's credibility at a time when its assessments will affect whether Congress enacts key parts of the president's agenda.
Defunding Planned Parenthood could lead to thousands more births, CBO projects
The Republican health-care proposal would leave many women, particularly those in low-income and medically underserved areas, without services to help them avoid pregnancy, congressional budget analysts say.
White supremacism is ready to roar
Being an American is life-threatening
John McCain and Lindsey Graham: Why we need more forces to end the stalemate in Afghanistan
Clinton's unexpected new ally in the email investigation: President Trump
The Trump administration dons a tinfoil hat
The CBO reveals Republicans' health-care cruelty
More News
Justice Dept. seeks more time after Congress requests proof of Trump wiretap
The House Intelligence Committee had requested further information by Monday about President Trump's allegations that the Obama administration had "wires tapped" in Trump Tower.
Trump administration reviewing ways to make it easier to launch drone strikes
The potential changes, which include lowering the threshold on acceptable civilian casualties, would represent a major shift in the way the United States approaches targeted-killing operations.
Deaf, mute and accused of murder, an undocumented immigrant has been in legal limbo for 12 years
Efforts to try Oswaldo Martinez have been stymied by his almost complete inability to communicate. Unable to read, write or enunciate more than a few small words, he relies on pantomime, grunts and crude drawings.
Poland accuses 98-year-old Minnesota man of ordering a Nazi massacre
In 1944, a Nazi commander decided dozens of Polish villagers would pay for the death of a German officer. For decades, the commander's identity remained unknown. Now Polish officials say they'll seek the extradition of a U.S. citizen who suffers from Alzheimer's.
Roman Totenberg's stolen Stradivarius, back in good hands, is reintroduced to the public
The restored instrument, gone for decades before being recovered by the FBI in 2015, was unveiled at a New York concert featuring Totenberg's former student Mira Wang.
As NCAA money trickles down, even tennis coaches are outearning professors
Most college teams lose money, but as basketball revenues soar, so do salaries for coaches of lower-profile sports. As pay continues to rise at the University of Kentucky, an income gap is growing between athletics and the university's teachers.
Maryland women get a No. 3 seed in Connecticut's bracket
Maryland has a brutal draw. If the Terrapins reach the regional final, they would almost certainly have to beat top-seeded Connecticut, the four-time defending national champions and owners of an NCAA-record 107-game winning streak, to get back to the Final Four.
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