Monday 13 March 2017

Politics: Trump's First 100 Days: Challenges from a U.S. attorney, McCain and the Freedom Caucus

Sponsored by SEIU | Yes, the media do underreport some terrorist attacks. Just not the ones most people think of.; Foreign leaders try to find their in with a mercurial yet crucial ally: Trump; President Trump, the king of flip-flops; Trump’s First 100 Days: Challenges from a U.S. attorney, McCain and the Freedom Caucus; Trump said no Americans would lose coverage under Obamacare repeal. Paul Ryan won't make that promise.; ACLU is leading a million-dollar resistance effort against Trump's policies; As opioid overdoses rise, police officers become counselors, doctors and social workers; Rep. Steve King warns that ‘our civilization’ can’t be restored with ‘somebody else’s babies’; South Korea’s president was impeached. North Korea is increasingly threatening. Here’s what you need to know.; We are all conspiracy theorists; McCain to Trump: Retract wiretapping claim or prove it; GOP's Darrell Issa represents a clear test for anti-Trump Democrats trying for electoral gains in 2018; Court says Texas congressional districts gerrymandered to hurt minorities; Outsider for Va. governor learns it's hard to run as a rebel, even in the Trump era;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump’s First 100 Days: Challenges from a U.S. attorney, McCain and the Freedom Caucus
All eyes are on the conservative House Freedom Caucus as the Obamacare replacement bill faces its next set of hurdles.
Millions might lose health coverage? Not to hear Republican leaders tell it.
On the Sunday talk shows, Republican leaders dismissed estimates of broad coverage loss.
Yes, the media do underreport some terrorist attacks. Just not the ones most people think of.
The fourth estate gives drastically more coverage to incidents involving Muslims, researchers found.
Foreign leaders try to find their in with a mercurial yet crucial ally: Trump
Reagan had Thatcher. Bush had Blair. Can the 'America First' president forge a close bond with a global power player?
Trump’s First 100 Days: Challenges from a U.S. attorney, McCain and the Freedom Caucus
All eyes are on the conservative House Freedom Caucus as the Obamacare replacement bill faces its next set of hurdles.
Trump said no Americans would lose coverage under Obamacare repeal. Paul Ryan won't make that promise.
The GOP House speaker said it depends on how many choose not to buy insurance once the mandate is lifted; he ducked the question of how many would no longer be able to afford it.
ACLU is leading a million-dollar resistance effort against Trump's policies
The group's "People Power" effort is part of a widespread push to engage Trump opponents.
As opioid overdoses rise, police officers become counselors, doctors and social workers
"We probably are not the best profession to be doing this," says a police chief in Ohio.
Rep. Steve King warns that ‘our civilization’ can’t be restored with ‘somebody else’s babies’
It's only the latest racially controversial comment from the congressman.
South Korea’s president was impeached. North Korea is increasingly threatening. Here’s what you need to know.
Park Geun-hye is on her way out. But this is only the beginning.
We are all conspiracy theorists
Today's toxic environment has made mainstream what was once on the fringes of political dialogue.
McCain to Trump: Retract wiretapping claim or prove it
'I have no reason to believe that the charge is true,' the Republican senator said.
GOP's Darrell Issa represents a clear test for anti-Trump Democrats trying for electoral gains in 2018
At back-to-back town halls on Saturday, Issa tried to distance himself from Trump, but he was met largely with jeers, boos and derisive laughter.
Court says Texas congressional districts gerrymandered to hurt minorities
Although a remedy was not prescribed, redrawing the districts will probably aid Latino and Democratic voters.
Outsider for Va. governor learns it's hard to run as a rebel, even in the Trump era
Denver Riggleman is winning fans with populist bid, but money is short.
©2017 The Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20071

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