Thursday 16 March 2017

Politics: Trump's First 100 Days: What the budget reveals about Trump's priorities

Sponsored by SEIU | Seven transgender women have been killed this year. Democrats want Jeff Sessions to investigate.; The man who helped save wants a bipartisan solution to health care; Trump wants to reorganize the executive branch. Good luck with that.; Are you a liberal or a conservative? That may depend on where you live.; The claim that the medical-device tax led to the loss of 20,000 U.S. jobs; Trump’s First 100 Days: What the budget reveals about Trump’s priorities; What's getting cut in Trump's budget; Trump budget asks for $6 billion in HUD cuts, drops development grants; In Trump's blueprint to reorder the federal government, echoes of Reagan '81; Trump seeks $4.7 billion in cuts to USDA discretionary spending; Veterans Affairs budget is in line to grow by 6 percent; Republicans skeptical about paying for wall as Trump releases budget; Trump defends Obama wiretapping charges, predicts ‘very interesting items’ to be revealed; Trump can't hide how eager he is to be finished with the health-care debate;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump’s First 100 Days: What the budget reveals about Trump’s priorities
Congress ultimately has control of government spending, but the president is proposing cuts to 18 agencies.
Federal judge in Hawaii freezes President Trump's new entry ban
Judge was one of three to hear challenges to the revised executive order on Wednesday.
Seven transgender women have been killed this year. Democrats want Jeff Sessions to investigate.
"It's only two months into the year and there have been seven murders," Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass) said after he and other members of Congress asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to launch a federal hate crime investigation.
The man who helped save wants a bipartisan solution to health care
Andy Slavitt, who helped rescue the website after its botched rollout in fall 2013 and became a top health-care official in the Obama administration, is launching a new effort to bring bipartisanship back to health-care restructuring.
Are you a liberal or a conservative? That may depend on where you live.
A San Francisco conservative might share beliefs with a Tuscaloosa liberal.
The claim that the medical-device tax led to the loss of 20,000 U.S. jobs
The House Ways and Means Committee chairman earns Two Pinocchios for exaggerating the impact of the medical-device tax, levied under the Affordable Care Act.
Trump’s First 100 Days: What the budget reveals about Trump’s priorities
Congress ultimately has control of government spending, but the president is proposing cuts to 18 agencies.
What's getting cut in Trump's budget
To fund increases in defense spending, Trump proposed cuts across departments
Trump budget asks for $6 billion in HUD cuts, drops development grants
OMB's "blueprint" for 2018 puts HUD's funding at $40.7 billion, down from $46.9 billion in 2017 — or 13.2 percent in cuts.
In Trump's blueprint to reorder the federal government, echoes of Reagan '81
Like Reagan, he seeks a change in direction, but the obstacles are significant.
Trump seeks $4.7 billion in cuts to USDA discretionary spending
Staffing, rural development and international food aid are targets for cuts.
Veterans Affairs budget is in line to grow by 6 percent
Trump promised new money to improve health-care access and wait times at the agency.
Republicans skeptical about paying for wall as Trump releases budget
The emerging split is likely to add tension to upcoming negotiations.
Trump defends Obama wiretapping charges, predicts ‘very interesting items’ to be revealed
Trump also weighed in on the disclosure of his 2005 tax returns Tuesday night on MSNBC.
Trump can't hide how eager he is to be finished with the health-care debate
Trump made it clear that he's eager to "cut the hell out of taxes" but has to deal with Obamacare first.
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