Tuesday 14 March 2017

Politics: Trump's First 100 Days: What we've learned about the GOP health-care bill

Sponsored by SEIU | In wake of CBO analysis of health-care bill, Ryan-aligned group launches TV ads seeking to give GOP lawmakers cover; Want to reduce fatal police shootings? This policy makes a big difference.; White House budget director’s false claims about the Obamacare legislative process; Trump’s First 100 Days: What we’ve learned about the GOP health-care bill; Whoops! Sorry about that frigid camp-out, but ballot placement is a lottery; Democrats hope to use Obamacare rewrite to turn activism into change; Affordable Care Act revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects; Facing long odds in blue states, Republicans call Democratic candidates ‘unhinged’; Out: Literal vs. serious interpretations of Trump’s comments. In: Joking vs. not.; Heritage Action: Conservatives who stop House health-care bill ‘will never regret it’; Donald Trump, the anecdotal president; German Chancellor Merkel reschedules visit to White House because of snowstorm; Foreign leaders try to find their footing with a mercurial yet crucial ally: Trump; Trump compares coverage of Obamacare to Obama’s popularity: ‘When he left, people liked him’;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The most important politics stories today
Trump’s First 100 Days: What we’ve learned about the GOP health-care bill
Also: drone strikes and the federal workforce.
What the CBO says about the Republican plan, by the numbers
A graphical look at the CBO's estimates.
In wake of CBO analysis of health-care bill, Ryan-aligned group launches TV ads seeking to give GOP lawmakers cover
The ads come after the CBO predicted 24 million fewer people would have coverage a decade from now under the House GOP plan.
Want to reduce fatal police shootings? This policy makes a big difference.
Imagine 40 fewer deaths, over 15 years, in the 10 cities with the most fatalities by police.
Trump’s First 100 Days: What we’ve learned about the GOP health-care bill
Also: drone strikes and the federal workforce.
Whoops! Sorry about that frigid camp-out, but ballot placement is a lottery
Staff for two GOP campaigns, acting on bad advice from state, sleep under stars for nothing.
Democrats hope to use Obamacare rewrite to turn activism into change
MoveOn.org leads an alliance of progressive groups in Sunday night conference calls.
Affordable Care Act revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects
A new analysis from the Congressional Budget Office also predicts $337 billion in deficit reduction over 10 years.
Facing long odds in blue states, Republicans call Democratic candidates ‘unhinged’
Trump threatens to be an anchor in this year's only major races, in New Jersey and Virginia.
Out: Literal vs. serious interpretations of Trump’s comments. In: Joking vs. not.
A weird assertion from Sean Spicer about a president who rarely employs humor.
Heritage Action: Conservatives who stop House health-care bill ‘will never regret it’
"We have one chance right now to pass a bill on a 51-vote Republican threshold. We can either use that to repeal Obamacare or not."
Donald Trump, the anecdotal president
Trump prefers isolated stories that match his outcome to broad analysis that doesn't. As do we all.
German Chancellor Merkel reschedules visit to White House because of snowstorm
The German leader will instead meet with the U.S. president Friday, officials say.
Foreign leaders try to find their footing with a mercurial yet crucial ally: Trump
Reagan had Thatcher. Bush had Blair. Can the "America first" president forge a close bond with a global power player?
Trump compares coverage of Obamacare to Obama’s popularity: ‘When he left, people liked him’
"The fact is, Obamacare is a disaster," the president said at a health-care listening session at the White House on Monday.
©2017 The Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20071

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