Tuesday 14 March 2017

Opinions P.M.: No, there’s no ‘war on men’ in health care

Sponsored by SEIU | The Epic of Donald Trump; Why is Trump continuing Obama’s foreign policy?; Why Paul Ryan has become the enemy of the right; Trumpcare surgery turns out not to be exactly cosmetic; Eugene Robinson Live (March 14); Fox News forgets about Breitbart T-shirt; Look who’s going after Trump’s Russia scandal; I’m a cis woman. I’m better off when trans women are recognized as women, too.; Two more hits to Trumpcare — and Ryan; Former Obama official Blinken: Trump 'has turned our traditional openness into weakness'; The CBO report raises five serious questions; How Democrats can win back the working class; The CBO report demolishes the GOP’s edifice of deception; The GOP health-care operation succeeded, because the patient died;
Opinions P.M.
Susan Walsh / AP
No, there's no 'war on men' in health care
Men and women alike have a vested national interest in good maternal health care.
The Epic of Donald Trump
Instead of spending money on war, let's spend some on literature glorifying war.
Why is Trump continuing Obama’s foreign policy?
This foreign policy seems familiar. When do we start winning?
Why Paul Ryan has become the enemy of the right
Born in the tea party moment, they need a powerful figure to rebel against.
Trumpcare surgery turns out not to be exactly cosmetic
More like a costly pound of flesh.
Eugene Robinson Live (March 14)
Eugene Robinson discussed his latest columns and political news.
Fox News forgets about Breitbart T-shirt
Quick segment (selectively) bashes mainstream newspapers for their T-shirts.
Look who’s going after Trump’s Russia scandal
Republicans foolishly enable Trump to conceal Russia ties
I’m a cis woman. I’m better off when trans women are recognized as women, too.
Trans women and cis women are different. But our diversity as women is our strength, and the best gift we can offer each other.
Two more hits to Trumpcare — and Ryan
Ryan's arguments don't hold up
Former Obama official Blinken: Trump 'has turned our traditional openness into weakness'
"It's not been clear what the policy is on any given issue."
The CBO report raises five serious questions
Five reasons for Republicans to worry
How Democrats can win back the working class
More than just fighting Trump, progressives must be bold about what they are for, not just what they are against.
The CBO report demolishes the GOP’s edifice of deception
Trump and Republicans have employed a clever little dodge that is no longer operable.
The GOP health-care operation succeeded, because the patient died
A detail they neglected to mention.
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