Thursday 16 March 2017

Evening Edition: Congressional Republicans sharply criticize Trump budget

Read President Trump's first budget proposal; White House targets programs designed to help working poor; Firing federal workers isn't as easy as Trump makes it seem; What the budget would mean for each agency; Leaders in science, medicine say Trump budget would be dire; The Fix: 19 agencies Trump's budget would kill, explained; Federal judge halts Trump travel ban hours before it was to take effect; Internal Trump administration data undercuts travel ban; To court conservatives, House panel calls for more Medicaid cuts, work requirements in GOP health-care plan; Spicer: Trump 'stands by' unproven allegation that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower; Michael Flynn received more payments from Russia-related entities than previously reported; Tillerson says diplomacy with North Korea has 'failed'; Pyongyang warns of war; Immigrants are going hungry out of fear that Trump will deport them; How a McDonald's tweet that insulted Trump went viral: A step-by-step guide; USA Gymnastics president resigns in wake of sex abuse scandal; ; SNL to finish a record-shattering season by going live coast-to-coast, for the first time; Chimpanzees are animals. But one lawyer is arguing they are 'persons,' too.;
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Congressional Republicans sharply criticize Trump budget
Defense hawks, rural conservatives and even some of Donald Trump's most vocal supporters in Congress pushed back on the huge potential hike in defense spending as insufficient and decrying some other cuts to federal agencies and programs. Several of his closest allies have said the plan has virtually no chance in Congress
Read President Trump's first budget proposal
The plan, named "America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again," proposes cuts that could represent the widest swath of reductions in federal programs since the drawdown after World War II.
White House targets programs designed to help working poor
The proposed cuts will fall hardest on rural and small town communities that Trump won, where one in three people are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a new analysis by the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank.
Firing federal workers isn't as easy as Trump makes it seem
The president has made reducing the size of the federal workforce a priority — but laying off federal workers requires going through a formal process that can be lengthy, expensive and disruptive.
What the budget would mean for each agency
A graphical presentation illustrates the depths of the president's proposed budget cuts to a wide swath of federal departments and agencies. Take a detailed look at the impact on each department.
Leaders in science, medicine say Trump budget would be dire
Proposed cuts at NIH, DOE and EPA shock and alarm top doctors and scientists.
The Fix: 19 agencies Trump's budget would kill, explained
Big Bird will be fine. These agencies will not.
Federal judge halts Trump travel ban hours before it was to take effect
In a blistering opinion, Judge Derrick K. Watson of Hawaii pointed to the president's own comments as evidence that the order was meant to discriminate against Muslims.
Internal Trump administration data undercuts travel ban
Two reports appear to undermine the government's argument for blocking visitors from six Muslim-majority countries.
To court conservatives, House panel calls for more Medicaid cuts, work requirements in GOP health-care plan
The House Budget Committee's recommendations reflect concerns among conservative critics who have said they want to see the measure go further in dismantling the Affordable Care Act.
Spicer: Trump 'stands by' unproven allegation that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump Tower
The press secretary's comments come after the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said their investigation into the matter so far has turned up no evidence that the U.S. government had conducted surveillance on Trump Tower either before or after the election.
Michael Flynn received more payments from Russia-related entities than previously reported
Newly released House Oversight Committee records show the former national security adviser collected nearly $68,000 in 2015.
Tillerson says diplomacy with North Korea has 'failed'; Pyongyang warns of war
The secretary of state's comments will fuel fears in the region that military options might be on the table to deter North Korea.
Immigrants are going hungry out of fear that Trump will deport them
They worry, advocates say, that participation in the SNAP food benefit program could draw the eye of Immigration and Customs Enforcement or hurt their chances of attaining citizenship.
The Intersect | Analysis
How a McDonald's tweet that insulted Trump went viral: A step-by-step guide
A tweet from a verified corporate account for McDonald's called President Trump a "disgusting excuse of a president."
USA Gymnastics president resigns in wake of sex abuse scandal
Criticized for not doing enough when allegations of abuse were made against local coaches and staff across the country, Steve Penny stepped down after a rare intervention by the USOC.
SNL to finish a record-shattering season by going live coast-to-coast, for the first time
The final four shows, starting on April 15, will air simultaneously across the country. Melissa McCarthy, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Pine and Dwayne Johnson will host the episodes.
Chimpanzees are animals. But one lawyer is arguing they are 'persons,' too.
Steven Wise will argue in a New York court that chimps have a right to bodily liberty, which would allow them to challenge the legality of their detention in court and substantially change animal-rights laws.
©2017 The Washington Post, 1301 K St NW, Washington DC 20071

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